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What Others are Saying




"About 50 pages into this book I had a flashback. I was in my late teens and was reading a book suggested to me by one of my older sisters. The book was `The Left Hand of Darkness' by Ursula K. Le Guin. Other worlds complete with totally invented other cultures and more importantly credible other peoples and individuals. `Khe' may very well be creating a niche deserving of a Nebula or a Hugo."


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Ashes and Rain


"I rarely give out top ratings and don't think I ever have for a sequel but this hit all the boxes for me. It was a very quick paced book I didn't want to put down because it sucked me in from the beginning."


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Shadowline Drift


"In Shadowline Drift, author Alexes Razevich creates a reality which encompasses and then transcends our perception of reality."


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"This is the most unusual novel I have read this year (and I read a lot). A story within which anything is possible and little is as it seems. The author kept me unbalanced and on edge throughout, and I enjoyed the ride."


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